A mass importer of frozen food, Alpha Prime Foods provides a variety of meat including beef, pork, chicken, lamb, seafood for wholesale, as well as top-notch butchering and packaging services for local restaurants and retail customers.

作為冷凍食品的大規模進口商,Alpha Prime Foods提供各種肉類,包括牛肉、豬肉、雞肉、羊肉、海鮮的批發,以及為當地餐館和零售客戶提供一流的屠宰和包裝服務。

Wholesale 批發服務

Wholesale 批發服務

With our frozen food facilities in Hong Kong,delivering logistically throughout the city, Alpha Prime Foods supplies top quality meat for your catering and grocery establishments. Our large inventory is capable of supplying many commercial partners including chain restaurants, grocery store retailers and supermarkets.

憑藉我們在香港的冷凍食品設施,Alpha Prime Foods在整個城市負責物流配送,致力為您的餐飲和雜貨店提供最優質的冷藏肉。我們的大量庫存能夠為許多商業夥伴提供服務,包括連鎖餐廳、雜貨店零售商和超市。

Butchering 屠宰服務

Butchering 屠宰服務

Alpha Prime Food provides expert butchering services for all forms of meat including beef, pork, lamb and goat into steaks, slices, cubed or any preferred form or shape. All butchers under our service adhere strictly to local food safety legislations and sanitation controls.

Alpha Prime Food為所有形式的肉類提供專業的屠宰服務,包括牛肉、豬肉、羊肉和山羊肉,使其成為牛排、切片、切塊或任何喜歡的形式或形狀。我們的所有肉店都有執照,並嚴格遵守國家食品安全立法和衛生控制。

Packaging  包裝服務

Packaging 包裝服務

We keep our frozen food supply
fresh, nutritious and healthy by packaging meat for retail customers in premium-quality materials such as vacuum seal, vacuum skin pack, colorful PP grade plastics and pacakging. We make our packaging attractive to every customer who comes across our delicious frozen meat.

我們通過用優質材料為零售客戶包裝肉類,如真空密封、真空表皮包裝、彩色 PP 級包裝袋和展示袋,來保持我們冷凍食品供應的新鮮、營養和健康。我們致力讓包裝對每一位接觸到美味凍肉的客戶都保持著吸引力。

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